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AS OF MAY 28, 2016
Mosaic Child and Family Services will no longer be located at 5150 El Camino Real, Ste B16, Los Altos, CA
**************** Dr. Fineman's and Dr. Bond's new address is:
Ste C 120 Mountain View, CA 94043 Ms. Travers' new address is:
851 Fremont Ave. Suite # 104 Los Altos, CA 94024 (650) 694-4673
Dr. Pyle's new address is: 851 Fremont Ave. Suite #104 Los Altos, CA 94024 (650) 694-4672
Phone numbers for all clinicians remain the same
Due to the rising cost of commercial real estate in our area, and the difficulty of finding affordable space large enough to accommodate a multidisciplinary practice, the clinicians of MCFTS will be relocating separately. While we will no longer be sharing a suite or the Mosaic name, we will continue to practice in a multidisciplinary fashion. We are all relocating within very close proximity to our current office.
We look forward to continuing to work with each other as colleagues and with you, our trusted clients and the community at large.
MOSAIC CHILD AND FAMILY THERAPY SERVICES Mosaic Child and Family Therapy Services is an interdisciplinary pediatric therapy group that provides assessment and treatment services to young children with developmental and behavioral challenges and their families. Our goal is to help parents understand a child's overall developmental needs, specifically in the areas of motor coordination and sensory processing, communication, cognition, social-emotional, play, behavior and adaptive abilities. Our staff is comprised of the following professionals:
- N. Rebecca Fineman PhD,
- Lori E. Bond PhD,
- Renee Pyle, PhD,
- Amy Travers MS CCC-SLP,
- Elizabeth Zias M.A. Ed, OTR/L, SWC,
Each professional is independently licensed and acts an independent practitioner, solely responsible for her professional functions. These professionals have not formed a partnership, corporation, LLC or any other business entity. These professionals have joined together to provide appropriate services to respond to parents'/guardians questions and concerns regarding their child. These services include diagnostic assessments, treatment planning and therapy.
DESCRIPTION OF MOSAIC CHILD AND FAMILY THERAPY SERVICES We conduct comprehensive evaluations in order to provide detailed information about a child's development and therapeutic needs. As the first step in the evaluation process, parents/guardians meet with a clinician to review relevant history, to describe their concerns and questions and to receive your written permission to proceed with the assessment plan. The assessment process may include administration of developmental tools and standardized measures, direct observation of the child's play and interactions with the parent/family and/or peers, completion of behavioral checklists and consultation with other providers or professionals who know the child (teacher, caregiver). The clinicians involved in the assessment collaborate with one another throughout the assessment process and prior to meeting with the parents for thorough recommendations. A written evaluation report details the assessment findings and recommendations and is mailed directory to the parents/guardians approximately three weeks after the date of the parent conference. Clinicians are available for additional meetings to clarify assessment findings and recommendations, to provide appropriate referrals to community resources and to offer direct services as agreed upon by the clinicians and the parents. Specialty services such as IEP attendance, school liason services, expert testimony, and off site consultations are at the discretion of the individual clinician and are not included in the price of an evaluation.