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Amy Travers, M.S., CCC-SLP, (650-694-4673) received her Masters Degree in Communicative Disorders from San Francisco State University in 1999. Since then, Amy has worked in public and private schools and multi-disciplinary clinical settings. She has served on evaluation teams specializing in identifying the language and learning needs of children with complex medical conditions, congenital disorders, traumatic brain injury, and developmental disorders, with specialization and expertise in autistic spectrum disorders. Her treatment experience includes individual, dyadic, small group, and whole class therapy sessions in private homes, clinical settings, and public and private classrooms and playgrounds.
During the 4 years that Amy worked at the Children’s Health Council, she gained invaluable experience in the educational specialist department, receiving training and experience in providing assessment and treatment of learning disorders. In addition, she worked closely with occupational therapists, behavior specialists, psychologists, and psychiatrists, providing her with a wealth of well-rounded information about child development and developmental disorders.
Given her unique background, Ms. Travers has provided inservices in private and public schools as well as facilitating Dr. Mel Levine’s Schools Attuned program, which is intended to educate local school professionals about the neurodevelopmental constructs that affect learning and how to identify and address learning differences in the classroom.
Ms. Travers’ passion and expertise is in meeting the complex needs of children with high and low functioning autism. In doing so, Ms. Travers has worked closely with private school and treatment teams to meet the unique receptive and expressive needs of these children through the use of visual supports such as social stories, choice boards, procedural outlines, graphic organizers, and augmentative and alternative communication devices. Ms. Travers has been involved in the selection and implementation of low tech systems such as PECS and PODDS, as well as high tech speech generating devices such as Vmax and iPad applications to promote spontaneous functional communication in non-verbal or minimally verbal children.
Currently at Mosaic Ms. Travers provides school observations, single discipline and team evaluations, individual and dyadic therapy services, and consultation with public and private school personnel and home program providers for preschool and school-aged children.